Mengenal Film Animasi Dan Cara Pembuatannya

Animation is a technique that many sutu used in the film world today, both as a unified whole, part of a movie, or one with a live movie. The world is actually rooted in the photographic film, while rooted in the world of animated drawings, which illustrate graphic design (visual communication design). Through the history of each, both photography and illustration have new dimensions and shape in the live and animated films.

It could be argued that the animation is a medium that was born from the two conventions or disciplines, namely clan movie images. In order to understand the clan wear animation techniques, the two conventions should be interpreted and understood.

The film, usually used for recording a state, or express something. Film used to fulfill a common requirement, namely to communicate an idea, message or reality. Because of the uniqueness of its dimensions, the clan because of the nature of entertainment, the film has been accepted as one of the audiovisual media the most popular and mainstream. Because it is also regarded as the most effective media.

To be able to use the film media, there are two main problems to be faced, namely technical problems technical problems clan movie suggests something premises film or so-called presentation techniques. So it is with things that should be known in the animated film, that is the problem animation techniques, and technical problems communicating something with animation techniques. Often words communicate more familiar technique of art is said to communicate.

In fact this is very closely related to various fields of arts activities, both visually and verbally or teateral. For a communications planner, the event was very important to understand. A film maker will deal with technical problems made the film and the art of making movies.

All the things written in this discussion, not a constraint, but a way of seeing and a summary of issues that must be developed.

Origins of Animation Techniques

Human desire to create an image or santiran (image) that live and move as pantara from disclosure (expression) them, a manifestation of the basic form of animation that life evolved. The word itself is actually an animated adaptation of the word animation, which is derived from the basic to animate, in general English-Indonesian dictionary meaning turn (Wojowasito 1997). In general, the animation is an activity switch, moving inanimate objects; An inanimate object is given a boost of strength, spirit and emotions to be alive and moving, or just a memorable life.

In fact, since ancient times, humans have tried menganimasi their motion pictures of animals, as found by the archaeologist in northern Spain Lascaux cave, had lived two hundred thousand years more; They are trying to capture fast motion running animals, such as wild boar, bison or horse, described by eight feet in different positions and overlapping (Hallas and Manvell 1973:23).

Ancient Egyptians turn their image with the order of the pictures of the wrestlers who are struggling, as a wall decoration. Created around 2000 BC (Thomas 1958:8)

Ancient Japanese paintings show a life storyline, with the stage scrolls of paintings, created in the Heian period (794-1192) (Encyclopaedia Americana volume 19, 1976). Then came the toy called Thaumatrope around the 19th century in Europe, a sheet of thick cardboard discs, bearing the bird in a cage, which both sides left a rope tied to his right, when twisted by hand will give a copying pictures of birds was moving (Laybourne 1978:18) .

Until the 1880s, Jean Marey using streak camera is continuously recording the movement of birds flying, human activities and other animals. A tool that became the forerunner of life that develops the film camera to date. And in 1892, Emile Reynauld develop a toy called Praxinoscope ayng animated images, a series of hundreds of animated images are rotated and projected on a mirror into a motion movie, a tool precursor in cinema projector (Laybourne 1978:23).

Both novice filmmaker cinema, came from France, the dianggapsebagai initial opening of the development of animated film techniques (Encyclopedia AmericanavoLV1, 1976:740)

Ten years later after the movie live her thrive in the late 19th century. In 1908, Emile Cohl beginners from France make a simple animated film in the form of a matchstick figures. The series of images of black blabar (black line) made on a white sheet, was photographed with the film negative so that the visible figure and background to white to black.

While in the United States of Winsor McCay (see picture beside) to make an animated film "Gertie the Dinosaur" in 1909. Figure blabar drawn in black with a white background. Following in the following years the American animators began to develop an animated film techniques around the year 1913 until the early 1920s, Max Fleischer develop "Ko Ko The Clown" and Pat Sullivan to make "Felix The Cat". The series of images made as simple as possible, where the figure is drawn blabar united black or black shadow with a black background blabar basis or made otherwise. McCay made a movie with a calculation formula of time, 16 times per second in motion pictures.

Fleischer and Sullivan have made use of animation techniques sell, that is transparent sheets of celluloid material (Celluloid) called "cell". Other Starter in Germany, Lotte Reineger, in 1919 to develop an animated film shadow, and Bertosch of France, in 1930 set up an experiment animated piece with a figure derived from pieces of wood. The following figure is the figure "Gertie The Dinosaurs", and "Felix the Cat"

George Pal started using the dolls as a figure in a short animated film, in 1934 in the Netherlands. And Alexsander Ptushko of Russian dolls length animated film "The New Gulliver" in 1935.

In 1935 Len Lye from Canada, started drawing directly on film after entering the renewal of the color film through the film "Color of the Box." The development of the most important animated film technique, which is around the 1930's. Where can appear animated film voiced pioneered by Walt Disney of the United States, through the movie "Mickey Mouse", "Donald Duck" and "Silly Symphony" made during the years 1928 to 1940.

In 1931 Disney made an animated film is the first color in the film "Flowers and Trees". And the first length animated film made Disney cartoon in 1938, the film "Snow White and Seven Dwarfs."

Thus the origin of the development of film animation technique that continues to grow with the style and characteristics of each maker in many countries in Europe, in America and spread through countries in Asia. Especially in Japan, cartoons expand fast enough in there, until the decade this year over cartoons animated film market here with the characteristics and distinctive style.

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